
Without Universal Health Care, Adopting Electronic Health Records Becomes Harder

In his January 6, 2017, interview with, President Obama said that one of the great disappointments for him regarding the Affordable Care Act (aka, Obmacare) was the difficulty in getting doctors and hospitals to go paperless. His interviewers, Ezra Klein and Sarah Kliff, expressed surprise that the President chose this as one of the great disappointments of such a controversial law. But I get it.

The U.S. is a world technology leader. Home to the world's largest and richest tech companies like Apple, Microsoft, Intel, Google and Facebook. But whether we are the best in tech is a matter of debate. Some believe Israel is tops in tech, claiming it has the brightest software engineers in the world, responsible for creating the best firewall software and other tech innovations. Still, others give a shout-out to Denmark, Finland, Sweden and Estonia, well known for extending tech to all of its citizens who use it in the everyday lives, even more than Americans.

But despite the great things that other countries are doing with tech, I think it is fair to say that that America has the resources and capability to lead the world in health information IT; if we wanted to. And maybe that is the primary reason that electronic health records (EHRs) are still a hope of Obama's.

What Are EHRs And What Are The Benefits and Challenges Of Using Them

Electronic health records are digital records created on a computing device by doctors and other medical care providers and staff about a patient's treatments and care. They have many potential benefits for patients and doctors, including:

  • Less paperwork—won't have to provide the same basic information to every new doctor
  • Fewer medical errors—doctors can receive warnings and alerts about allergies and prescribed drugs
  • Easier remote access that may also expand the use of telemedicine—patients can communicate with providers online and make appointments
  • Better diagnosis—doctors have a more complete and up-to-date picture of a patient's medical status
  • Less diagnostic testing—doctors can see previously ordered tests and won't duplicate unless necessary
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