How Pensions Affect Social Security and Medicare Benefits
Social Security provides benefits for individuals and spouses/widows(er)s. Social Security requires that certain other retirement benefits balance a person’s Social Security retirement benefits.
Pensions from work where Social Security taxes were taken do not affect the amount of your Social Security benefit. On the other hand, pensions from work where no Social Security taxes were subtracted may result in lower Social Security benefits.
Pensions from work where Social Security taxes were taken do not affect the amount of your Social Security benefit. On the other hand, pensions from work where no Social Security taxes were subtracted may result in lower Social Security benefits.
Two calculations are used to balance Social Security benefits with federal pension benefits resulting from non-covered work. One calculation affects SS benefits you receive as a spouse, and the other affects SS retirement benefits you receive on your own.
If you or your spouse is eligible for Social Security benefits, you are automatically eligible for Medicare benefits. Medicare benefits start at age 65. Learn more.
Before Applying for Social Security Retirement Benefits (within one year to 3 mos.)
- Find out if you are eligible for a government pension resulting from non-covered work. Contact your Human Resources/Personnel Department
- Find out if you are eligible for Social Security benefits from your covered work or as a spouse. Contact your local Social Security office
- Coordinate retirement effective date with spouse – if you or your spouse retire early and receive benefits early, it may permanently reduce your Social Security benefits
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below for more information.When Can You Apply for Social Security Retirement Benefits
The earliest you can apply for Social Security retirement benefits is age 61 and 9 months. Benefits start at age 62. If you elect to receive Social Security retirement benefits at age 62, your benefits are permanently reduced by approximately 25% (versus waiting until your full retirement age to receive benefits). You can delay receiving SS retirement benefits up to age 70 and receive a larger benefit amount.
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How to Apply for Social Security Retirement Benefits
You can apply for Social Security retirement benefits online, in person, or by phone. You can stop and start the online application process (picking up where you left off)
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Social Security Retirement Benefits Calculators
Use these calculators to estimate your monthly benefits or the Windfall Elimination Provision (WEP) reduction.
Social Security Benefit Calculator
Life Expectancy Calculator
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