About BenefitsAll


Birth/Adoption/Award of Legal Guardianship

mother father and child holding hands

With the addition to your family, you have a set period to enroll your new dependent in your health plan. If you miss the deadline, you may have to wait until the annual open enrollment period to add them to the plan. You must notify your Human Resources rep. or insurer when you have a new dependent. There may be a change in the amount deducted from your pay due to your election change. Use the below checklist to guide you in what benefit changes you may need to consider. Click on each link for a brief description of the items in the checklist.
    • Medical insurance plan -
    • Dental -
    • Vision -
    • Health Care Flexible Spending Account -
    • Dependent Care Flexible Spending Account -
    • Dependent Child Life Insurance -
    • Short-term Disability (STD) -
    • 529 College Savings Plan -
    • Employee Assistance Program -
    • Open Enrollment -
    • Update Beneficiary Forms -
    • W-4 -
    • Name/Address Change/Social Security Card -
    • Change in Insurance Costs -