About BenefitsAll

BenefitsAll Chats Newsletter

Better, Smarter, Faster: Employee Benefits & AI

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Welcome to BenefitsAll Chats. While writing my book, Employee Benefits Communication Renewed: Old Guide, New Story, I gained knowledge of neuroscience, listening science, and behavioral economics, which could help me communicate more persuasively. In addition, I learned that using storytelling, analogies, and metaphors helps explain complex information, like health insurance, better than facts alone. I also discovered that using artificial intelligence (AI) tools like ChatGPT can potentially produce employee benefit communication that is understandable and actionable.

This is the first newsletter I know of using ChatGPT to design itself and help create content to improve employee benefits communication and administrative practices. The goal is to help benefit pros work better, smarter, and faster AND get employees to act independently while making optimal benefit decisions.

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